no mood to do anything.
wasted three days. fri sat sunday (as usual) = =
....... Why can't we live as we like. Throw away the $$$ and resources fight. Sounds a lot like communist huh? Then why don't you against about tax-funded police and firemen? Medical facilities of Canada is free and even can claim for travel expenses from the counter[1]. ~.~
Sometime wish to be 废人,无忧无虑. PS3, Spore, Wii, Myth TV, Home Automation, etc.
Sometime don't want to 让人生留白.. 创业?1 Million Dollar homepage.. Get a house with paper clip. Casino? movie 21? Bah.
Sometime download a lot of movies/series/tv shows.
Sometime delete them before I lost my sanity. 觉得看了会浪费时间...不看又不想做正事...
[1] Sicko movie