Damn, should have prepare earlier.
Not enough time to cover everything.
If only I did study well...
Duh, whatever.. Life goes on. Yeah.
Hope I don't screw up too much that I fail to get an A for Data Security. I assumed it would be 3 hours as usual and have to scribble like mad in the last 10 minutes. Time given was 2 hours 30 minutes instead. Barely make it through and don't have time to think for a better answer. My hand still moving around on the paper while the examiners are starting to collect the paper. Write till hand muscle aching. >.<
Kind of hate the academic way of evaluation.
Which sane system administrator would memorize those Shannon criteria and list down one by one for you? PLUS, which criteria did Shannon overlook and not suitable for Asymmetric Encryption?
What is Indirect Attacks and Direct Attacks in database?
Sigh.. same for Advance Database exam. Need to list down and explain all of the Data Mining usage. OMG. Note, ALL, not some. If I miss one or mix up then marks gone. Why do I have to remember those points words by words. I doubt it would be useful in the real world. Just need to understand the topic roughly and theory underneath them.
Not to miss the Software Project Management exam.
What is S.M.A.R.T. stand for in software requirements? Orz
p/s: No offend. Just frustrated for not study enough and can't answer well. =.=